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About ALM

  • Birthday 07/21/1954

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  • TrainZ version
    TS 2022
    TS 2019
  • My Homeplace
    Bassano Del Grappa
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  1. Esco oggi fuori dal mio standard proponendovi una locomotiva elettrica USA interessante. Che ve ne pare?
  2. Già all'epoca del vapore era sorta l'esigenza di muovere materiale rotabile all'interno di stabilimenti (raffinerie o impianti chimici, perlopiù) in cui venivano impiegati materiali molto infiammabili. A tale scopo vennero sviluppate nei vari paesi locomotive in cui non ci fosse bisogno di avere fiamme libere. La soluzione allora adottata erano quelle che in tedesco vengono indicate come "Speicherlokomotiven", locomotive in cui al posto di caldaia e forno c'era un grosso serbatoio contenente vapore prodotto altrove, in impianti fissi o altre locomotive a vapore normali. Il loro uso era diffuso su molte reti ferroviarie mondiali. Il passaggio dal vapore all'aria compressa è abbastanza logico considerata l'evoluzione della tecnica ferroviaria. Ciao ALM
  3. Si, mi aveva dato l'OK per il repaint. Ciao ALM
  4. Dovete usare l'utility Patch Installer che trovate nel folder si Trainz22. Avete le opzioni del canale da scegliere. Usate TR22
  5. Caio Fenix Complimenti per l'ottimo lavoro ce stai facendo. Seguo con attenzione il tuo non facile progresso e mi fa un grande piacere vedere quello che stai facendo. Ciao ALM
  6. Ho appena ricevuto questa mail da N3V con le novità di Trainz22 per il 2024: 2024 UPDATE We are excited to announce the latest update for our Trainz Plus members.* This update brings a host of new features, improvements, and bug fixes designed to enhance your experience with the latest Trainz code base. Note: Features are also available for TRS22 or Platinum Edition customers where applicable. TRAINZ PLUS ONLY Create your routes online using Multiplayer Surveyor then export them to continue using them offline. Enjoy the flexibility to upload and download routes to and from MPS anytime with Trainz Plus TRAINZ PLUS & TRS22 PLATINUM S20 now includes bulk replace functionality that operates seamlessly across both HD and legacy terrain. Replace one or more objects with a new asset across your entire route, significantly speeding up route creation and upgrades. A new Bulk Replace Filtered Assets option can be found by right clicking an asset in the Asset Palette. This should be used in conjunction with Filter Palette. This is a quick solution to users that require bulk replace functionality in S20 and on HD terrain. We have future plans to roll out new functionality to bulk operations. VIEW THE GUIDE TRAINZ PLUS & TRS22 PLATINUM The Filter Palette allows you to further segment pre-sets and picklists. By enabling or disabling specific assets within the Filter Palette, you gain precise control over the currently selected asset list. This is only available in Surveyor 2.0. Asset Palette filter categories relocated to the new Filter Palette. A new Select in Filter Palette option is found under the S20 assets contextual menu. Opens the Filter palette and highlights the asset under custom filter. TRAINZ PLUS ONLY SD/HD option - Found in the Edit Route dialog, this option only applies to the new HD Terrain type. It allows a route owner to limit the precision of terrain edits made. Setting the option to SD limits editing precision to 2m resolution, while the HD option enables the full 0.125m precision giving much finer control. This is able to be set and used in MPS Routes as well as local. This takes effect on an edit-by-edit basis and does not retroactively modify the existing route detail. TRAINZ PLUS & TRS22 PLATINUM New Logs found under Developer options on the Trainz Launcher. These logs are server side logs, typically generated by operations which run partly or entirely on our servers. Whenever you view one of these logs (eg. through the TCCP project edit window) it's added into this master list so you can get back to it later. TRAINZ PLUS, TRS22 PLATINUM & TRS22 We've been hard at work growing new foliage technology to put the seeds of creation back into your hands! Treez is currently in the beta stage where we are making sure the creation pipeline, visual quality and performance of the new system will breathe new life into this core component for all routes. If you already own TRS22 or are a Trainz Plus Member, update today to explore these new features. If you don't own TRS22, head on over to our store using the button below to explore your options. GET TRAINZ HOW TO UPDATE Already own Trainz? Follow these steps to update: Open the TRS22 or Trainz Plus Launcher From the launcher, open Train Settings Select the install tab Click on “Check for Trainz Updates” and follow the prompts to install the latest version. 5 HD Terrain TIPS Our in house video guru Joe has created a new video to show off some of the latest techniques for the route builders out there. Access these features and more with the latest version of TRS22 or Trainz Plus.
  7. Un grande piacere rivederti qui!
  8. Verifica la texture che il canale ALPHA non nasconda il vomere.
  9. Ciao Nove carrozze tutte diverse delle FS anni 1905-1920 di provenienza Rete Adriatica. Sono tutte diverse e si differenziano non solo per la numerazione, ma anche in diversi dettagli. Ciao ALM FS_1905_ex_RA_Pack.cdp
  10. Su questa locomotiva trovata su Pinterest non ho altre informazioni che "Superintendent locomotive". E' abbastanza particolare da essere postata qui.
  11. Ciao Stamattina passando in treno verso Venezia a Castelfranco Veneto ho notato sui binari di sosta della stazione un notevole numero di mezzi MOW Probabilmente ci sono lavori importanti in corso perchè così tanti carri MOW assieme non li ho mai visti. Vi posto le foto Ciao ALM
  12. Locomotiva 6409.060 a Bra nel 1972. Foto postata da Aldo Riccardi su "Le antiche locomotive a Vapore"
  13. Di Renzo Grassi questi carri coperti FS. Ciao ALM FS_Carri_FI_Pack.cdp
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