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  2. [URL=https://matchnow.life]Authentic Maidens[/URL]
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  4. EC42 Venezia-Ginevra, Ospitaletto-Travagliato (BS), 17 ottobre 2010

    © Carlo Vavassori

  5. ICN 10020 Chiasso-Zurigo HB. Faido (CH-TI), 15 giugno 2013

    © Carlo Vavassori

  6. Lavorgo (CH-TI), 19 dicembre 2008

    © Beppe Russo

  7. LeNORD a Borgonato Adro, 28 agosto 2008

    © Simone Carcano

  8. Da poco partita dalla stazione di Borgognato, con destinazione Iseo. Adro (BS) 09 novembre 2008

    © Simone Carcano

  9. In transito a Sulzano: lungo il lago d'Iseo. Sulzano (BS) 09 novembre 2008

    © Simone Carcano

  10. Una parte di carichi...7_82....si ricomincia.poi i serbatoi
  11. Empietà! Sacrilegio!! Profanazione!!!
  12. Mi mancava. E' nuova, modello Hornby/Rivarossi, 2009, fondo di magazzino. Digitalizzabile ma ancora analogica. adesso è vogliosa di farsi una corsa ma non la posso accontentare. Mi sta venendo voglia di farmi un tracciato in mansarda. Ma niente plastico, piuttosto una cosa tipo Autodromo di Monza a 4+4 corsie. di macchine che hanno bisogno di togliersi la ruggine di dosso ne ho a decine. E anche un paio di ETR 200 ... Ci penso per fine estate/autunno 2024. [è arrivato anche il libro Duegi sulle E428, fresco di stampa, ancora da togliere il cellophane. Sta con quelli di E431 ed E432. Si, sono un nostalgico di Isabella. Anche la mia gatta si chiama Isabella ...]
  13. Allora non succede solo a me,anche in altre parti del mondo accade la stessa cosa..più o meno.. Http://forums.auran.com/threads/half-my-track-is-missing.177454/
  14. @UP844 Glad you enjoyed the video I have started a new WIP thread on the N3V forum. Lot's of new screenshots of the re-build. Spalt-Georgensgmünd Railway - Re-build WIP thread Rico
  15. Last week
  16. I understood only a few words ("Glaskasten", "dampflokomotive", "zwei-achsig") but the pictures are well worth viewing it! I'm looking forward to the Spalt-Georgensgmünd in Trainz!
  17. I found a black & white documentary video on YouTube about the Spalt-Georgensgmünd railway. There is some interesting footage regarding the Glaskasten locomotive, the railways trackside structures and other power and rolling stock used on the railway. LInk > 47 MK bay-Lokalbahnen -1.mpg Rico
  18. Bob, I'm sorry but I am very busy... I have read the Wiki entry about asset-groups and I admit I have not understand the reason for such a tag . I pasted below the config file of a group of SpeedTrees made by Auran back in TS12 (this PC cannot run TRS19). I don't know whether this technique still works in TRS19: if I remember correctly Ettore made some poplar groups: unfortunately, I have not managed to find them now. The "position" tag indicates where the individual tree is placed in relationship to the object "center" (position 0,0,0). The "mesh-scale" tag indicates the scale value for that tree/shrub. Where two values are present (e.g. 0.2, 0,4) the object will be randomly scaled with a value ranging from the lower to the higher value (e.g. a 10-m tree will be scaled from 2 to 4 metres). The dependencies include the individual trees/shrubs, plus the SpeedTree library: Tree AmericanBoxwood 01,<kuid2:523:1086:1> Plant Shrub 02,<kuid2:523:1112:1> Plant Shrub 04,<kuid2:523:1574:1> SpeedTree Library,<kuid:401543:1077> kind "scenery" username "SpeedTreeGroup_09" visibility-radius 5 trainz-build 3.2 mesh-table { 1 { mesh-asset <kuid:523:1574> mesh "summer/shrub_04.srt" custom-render-plugin <kuid:401543:1077> auto-create 1 mesh-scale 0.1 position -8,7,0 } 2 { mesh-asset <kuid:523:1086> mesh "summer/americanboxwood_rt.srt" custom-render-plugin <kuid:401543:1077> auto-create 1 mesh-scale 0.2,0.3 position -5,8,0 } 3 { mesh-asset <kuid:523:1086> mesh "summer/americanboxwood_rt.srt" custom-render-plugin <kuid:401543:1077> auto-create 1 mesh-scale 0.1,0.15 position 7,7,0 } 4 { mesh-asset <kuid:523:1574> mesh "summer/shrub_04.srt" custom-render-plugin <kuid:401543:1077> auto-create 1 mesh-scale 0.3,0.5 position 15,5,0 } 5 { mesh-asset <kuid:523:1112> mesh "summer/shrub_02.srt" custom-render-plugin <kuid:401543:1077> auto-create 1 mesh-scale 0.2,0.5 position -10,5,0 } 6 { mesh-asset <kuid:523:1574> mesh "summer/shrub_04.srt" custom-render-plugin <kuid:401543:1077> auto-create 1 mesh-scale 0.3,0.5 position 1,1,0 } 7 { mesh-asset <kuid:523:1086> mesh "summer/americanboxwood_rt.srt" custom-render-plugin <kuid:401543:1077> auto-create 1 mesh-scale 0.1,0.15 position -15,-6,0 } 8 { mesh-asset <kuid:523:1574> mesh "summer/shrub_04.srt" custom-render-plugin <kuid:401543:1077> auto-create 1 mesh-scale 0.3,0.5 position -5,-6,0 } 9 { mesh-asset <kuid:523:1112> mesh "summer/shrub_02.srt" custom-render-plugin <kuid:401543:1077> auto-create 1 mesh-scale 0.2,0.5 position 10,-6,0 } } kuid <kuid2:523:1001:1> username-pl "SpeedTreeGrupa_09" username-cz "SkupinaStromůRychlá_09" username-es "GrupoÁrbolVelocidad_09" username-jp "速度木グループ_09" kuid-table { 0 <kuid:523:1574> 1 <kuid:401543:1077> 2 <kuid:523:1086> 3 <kuid:523:1112> }
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