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[Please Read] - New login method - From August, 1st 2024

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Hello everyone,

Starting next July 1st, in order to improve the security of the platform hosting our community, we will change the login method.

The "Display name" login method will be disabled, in order to access to the forum you will only use the email address you've chosen during registration and your password, instead of the usual username + password pair.


The email address chosen during registration will not be visible in the public profile.

This measure can reduce the risk of unauthorized access and help improve the security of our community.


If you don't remember which email address you used for registration, simply check your user profile, the menu is on the top right of the forum page.



On the top-down menu that it will activate when you click on your username, choose the first entry of the menu






Scroll down your profile page and, in the left column, you'll find the "Contact Information" box: the address shown is the one choosen when you signed up our forum.


You can still log-in with both display name (a.k.a. username) or email (the password is always the same you set-up), please take confindence with the new method, from the next July, 1st it will be the only method to log in in our community.


Thank you for your understanding and support.

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Maybe we'll grant a more couple of weeks in the deadline. The italian note was published earlier in may, I went a bit late in writing the translations (thanks to Chat GPT and Google Translator they'll soon come spanish and french ones, the german one will be a piece of work for @ALM ).


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  • Cancio changed the title to [Please Read] - New login method - From August, 1st 2024

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