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Sondaggio 2024 / 2024 Survey / Enquête 2024 / Umfrage 2024 / Encuesta 2024


Che versione utilizzate? / What version are you using? / Quelle version utilisez-vous ? / Welche Version verwenden Sie? / ¿Qué versión utiliza?  

42 members have voted

  1. 1. Che versione utilizzate? / What version are you using? / Quelle version utilisez-vous ? / Welche Version verwenden Sie? / ¿Qué versión utiliza?

    • TS12
    • T:ANE
    • TRS19
    • TRS22
    • Trainz Plus

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Il tradizionale sondaggio di inizio anno: indicate quale versione di Trainz utilizzate.

Il sondaggio scade alle 23.59 del 31/1/2024.

The traditional beginning of the year survey: indicate which version of Trainz you are using.

The survey expires at 11:59 p.m. on 1/31/2024.


Le traditionnel sondage de début d'année : indiquez la version de Trainz que vous utilisez.

Le sondage expire le 31/1/2024 à 23h59.


Die traditionelle Jahresanfangsumfrage: Geben Sie an, welche Version von Trainz Sie benutzen.

Die Umfrage endet um 23.59 Uhr am 31.1.2024.

La tradicional encuesta de principio de año: indica qué versión de Trainz utilizas.

La encuesta expira a las 23.59 horas del 31/1/2024.


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16 minuti fa, UP844 ha scritto:



Ma ti arrivano le newletter dai canguri, sono ancora in fase di ricerca cogl..ni che li finanziano per un futuro sconosciuto e per i casini ancora da sistemare ne riparleremo o forse li sistems remolo.

Perchè vedi con l'uscita dei premium le recenti versioni non saranno sviluppate, t:ane quando compie i 10 anni?


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8 ore fa, pegaso52 ha scritto:

Perchè e forse capita solo a me spariscono cose dall'inventario e non ho capito il perchè, ma soprattutto dove vanno a finire.


Ma ,guarda(non è un insulto)io sono mesi che denuncio le sparizioni,basta guardare i miei messaggi(trainz Ghost,ecc)

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Però in parte sono venuto capo alla vicenda..Le sparizioni forse e dico forse sono dovute dal fatto che di sua iniziativa,ad un certo punto è partito in 4a e ha fatto un altro trainz assett e così mi ritrovo nello stesso programma due trainz assett di dimensioni diverse e a parte il fatto che non so come unirli ,c'è poi da considerare questo farò bene? farò male? E se poi anche riuscissi ad unirli,come sarà la situazione dopo? Ci saranno ancora?Ritornerà tutto come prima? Oppure perderò tutto?Davvero un atroce dilemma..E così nell'incertezza terrò tutto così...sperando che non faccia un terzo assett..Mi sbagliavo...sono 4 gli assets.....Da come si può vedere nelle due immagini ne ho due fuori dal contesto dei contenuti e altri due dentro e con dimensioni diverse...Altridueassetsdentroaicontenuti.thumb.jpg.a47ab9e75e40540f30a9bbe005a3450f.jpg

Primi due assett e asset-cache fuori dai contenuti.jpg

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Sinceramente ditemi se c'è voglia di continuare oppure no?In questa impresa...A differenza dei trainz fino al 2012,andavano in crash,ti arrabbiavi dovevi ricominciare daccapo,ma tuuto era lì.con i suoi errori,con questo per me ,non è così..c'è qualcosa di diabolico dentro(nel senso metaforico)che ti spalma le cose da altre parti.

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  • UP844 pinned and featured this topic
3 hours ago, Cooper Engineer said:

It is important to give an answer to the survey.

As a simple Englishman I find it hard to answer a binary question with a single version as the answer.

That is because:-
I have TS12 installed for reference (mainly TZIT routes and sessions).
I have TANE installed because that is the working version for the maintenance of the Rollins Pass route and sessions.
I have TRS19 installed because I make and update all the previous work done using SP5 as the basis for import into TRS22
I have TRS22 installed so I can test all the routes and sessions I have to ensure they still work with the latest N3V innovations.

TRS22 is still infested with some Bugs and N3v are having a few problems with them so I edit stuff in TRS19 and run it in TRS22.

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Hello Bob,


the primary aim of this survey is to identify the most widely used version in order to understand what features we can implement in our releases to satisfy the largest possible number of users.


Two examples:


1) since we ceased supporting TS12 and earlier versions, we have been able - for example - to make use of the native tail lights on our locomotives and rolling stock, while previously we had to use either the LLCR rule (*) or some dedicated scripts.


(*) which nobody used anyway, judging from the huge number of screenshots showing locomotives with the red lights glowing on their forward end :rotfl:


2) keeping routes compatible with TS12 meant using SpeedTrees that had both a TS12 and a T:ANE+ version: this was a major headache and the reason why many routes have not been updated.


On the other hand, if we release a route using all the bells and whistles (and bugs :mrgreen:) found in Trainz Plus, it would only be usable by a minority (a sizable one, but a minority none the less) of our users.


P.S. I also have TS2010, TS12, T:ANE and TRS19 installed on various PCs, but the first three are there because they hold a vast array of assets requiring updates. The version I almost exclusively use, however, is TRS19 (from what I read on N3V's forum, I am not very willing to mess with TRS22 or Trainz Plus)



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2 hours ago, UP844 said:

I am not very willing to mess with TRS22 or Trainz Plus)

I do not want to play the subscription game so trains plus is never on my radar. TRS22 PE does now have Surveyor 2 and while it is full of bugs it also has some good features and I have watched a U-Tube video by an N3V Joe which exposes many of the shortcomings of surveyor 2. What made me pay attention was the statment that surveyor classic which we know and love is being phased out and will not be around for long. While I was still trying to understand the implications of that he said he threw in another N3V gem and that was that all routes to be released would be using HD terrain which is currently only part of trainz plus.

That made pause the video and get a strong cup of coffee. I still do not understand what that means for all the existing routes and so many of our assets. What I thought that meant was that the changes to the next release would make everything with a version number below 5 incompatible because I understand that that is the first version that can convert to the HD terrain format.

So to make a short story, long my conclusion is that the oldest working version of trainz we can work with to ensure compatibility for the future is TRS19 SP5.So if I select TRS19 in the survey it has to be with the constraint that it is and must be SP5 Build 117009.

Edited by DennR
repasted text from Notepad due to corruption in Forum
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ppens when I type directly into the forumwhat the OFS is an example


What I typed was "This is an example of what happens when I type directly into the forum" my solution is to type message in Notepand and copy and paste it into the forum. The club posts work correctly it is only the forum where I have the issue. :bho:


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  • 3 weeks later...

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