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Using buildings on my route

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I am using some buildings on my route from the following packs:

Pack Villette-1 Free TB3-7 1.0.0, Pack Caseggiati-1 Free TB3-7 1.0.0, Pack Edifici Rurali Free TB3-7 1.0.0, Pack Edifici Culto Storici Free TB3-7 1.0.0, Pack Caseggiati-2 Free TB3-7 1.0.0


Please can somebody tell me, is it ok for me to include them in a CDP for users of my route to download? I know they have to register here first to see the files so it may be a bit cumbersome...


Thank you and good night,





Ciao a tutti!

Sto usando alcuni edifici sul mio percorso dai seguenti pacchetti:

Pack Villette-1 Free TB3-7 1.0.0, Pack Caseggiati-1 Free TB3-7 1.0.0, Pack Edifici Rurali Free TB3-7 1.0.0, Pack Edifici Culto Storici Free TB3-7 1.0.0, Pack Caseggiati-2 Free TB3-7 1.0.0


Per favore qualcuno può dirmi, va bene per me includerli in un CDP per gli utenti del mio percorso da scaricare? So che devono prima registrarsi qui per vedere i file, quindi potrebbe essere un po 'macchinoso ...

Grazie e buona notte,


Edited by cotterhier
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Hi Jonathan, considering the whole time spent and the lot of work done on updating (in order to make them ready to use also in the newer Trainz builds) and releasing the content on the new forum, it would be nice for us to know the kuid list of the buildings you're asking for, before giving you an answer.


Our work  was just a little more complex than sign up here & download 😉


It's true that it would be complex if for a little bunch of items, your user will have to download cdps with several (from twenty up to nearly fifty) items that are unnecessesary for your layout.


But we would like to know how many items you're asking for redistribute on your site, or anyway include in the layout cdp.







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Hello ettore48,

thank you!


Hello Cancio,

no problem, I completely understand. Everyone deals with this differently, that's why I'm asking. Here is the list of kuids I use:


<kuid2:57230:25021:3> Casa Iseo 2
<kuid2:57230:25213:3> Casa 3b lontana
<kuid2:44779:25021:3> BD_Casa_011
<kuid2:44779:25005:3> BD_Casa_009
<kuid2:74906:23013:3> Casa Iseo 6
<kuid:69593:82021> BD_Casa004_repaint_1
<kuid2:44779:25006:3> BD_Casa_004
<kuid2:44779:25007:3> BD_Casa_005
<kuid2:57230:25211:3> Casa 1b lontana
<kuid2:44779:25003:3> BD_Casa_008
<kuid2:57230:25212:3> Casa 2b lontana
<kuid2:44779:25020:3> BD_Casa_010
<kuid:211062:3041> Casa42
<kuid2:57230:25214:3> Casa 4b lontana
<kuid2:57230:25215:3> Casa 5b lontana
<kuid:69593:82023> Casa Colonica Repaint 3
<kuid:74906:23024> Casa con scritta 01
<kuid2:53261:25080:5> Casa con torre
<kuid2:57230:25201:3> Casa italiana 1b
<kuid2:57230:25202:3> Casa italiana 2b
<kuid2:57230:25203:3> Casa italiana 3b
<kuid2:57230:25204:3> Casa italiana 4b
<kuid2:57230:25205:3> Casa italiana 5b
<kuid:69593:82026> Casa_C1
<kuid:75359:25002> Casa Italiana 08
<kuid2:67428:25004:1> Casa periferia 1
<kuid2:69038:27211:3> Casa Rox 1
<kuid2:69038:27212:3> Casa Rox 2
<kuid2:69038:27214:3> Casa Rox 4
<kuid2:69038:27215:3> Casa Rox 5
<kuid2:69038:27216:3> Casa Rox 6
<kuid2:53261:25081:5> Casa vecchia 2
<kuid2:53261:25025:2> Casa_ferrovieri_2
<kuid:69593:82024> Casa_rox_con_Negozi
<kuid2:57230:28421:3> Caseggiato 1J
<kuid2:57230:28422:3> Caseggiato 2J angolo
<kuid2:57230:28423:3> Caseggiato 3J
<kuid2:57230:28432:3> Caseggiato popolare
<kuid2:57230:28424:3> Caseggiato 4J angolo
<kuid2:57230:28425:3> Caseggiato 5J aggiuntivo
<kuid2:57230:28426:3> Caseggiato 6J
<kuid2:57230:28427:3> Caseggiato 7J
<kuid2:138607:25007:3> Edificio 07 M
<kuid2:57230:28303:3> Cascina 3 Ingresso
<kuid2:57230:28306:3> Cascina 6 Abitazione
<kuid2:138607:25008:3> Edificio 08 M
<kuid2:69593:82008:1> Casolare_C1
<kuid2:531852:39000:1> Comando dei Vigili del Fuoco (K1)
<kuid2:57230:23200:3> Chiostro
<kuid2:69593:82009:1> Casolare_C2
<kuid2:138607:25011:3> Edificio 11 M
<kuid2:138607:25012:3> Edificio 12 M
<kuid2:138607:25019:3> Edificio 19 M
<kuid2:138607:25020:3> Edificio 20 M
<kuid2:138607:25030:3> Edificio 30 M
<kuid2:138607:25031:3> Edificio 31 M
<kuid2:531852:25001:1> Grattacielo 01 (K1)
<kuid2:69593:82010:1> Villetta_C1
<kuid2:57230:25050:3> Torre
<kuid2:57230:25210:3> Torre municipale
<kuid2:69038:27313:3> Villetta Rox 3
<kuid2:69038:25314:3> Villetta Rox 4
<kuid2:69038:27311:3> Villetta Rox 1
<kuid2:57230:25008:3> Villetta rustica 1
<kuid2:69038:27312:3> Villetta Rox 2
<kuid2:69038:27313:3> Villetta Rox 3
<kuid2:69038:25314:3> Villetta Rox 4
<kuid2:57230:23071:1> Case in gruppo
<kuid:69593:82025> Palazzo abitazione


Damn, it's long 😉

Regards, Jonathan

Edited by cotterhier
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Hi Jonathan,sorry,but we do not intend to allow the distribution of the content in other sites than TZIT.


Feel free to provide the direct link (urls) of the cdps you listed in your first message (we'll provide any support it would be needed if someone couldn't manage properly the download), but we don't grant you any permission to redistribute the content, enclosing it in CDPs not hosted in TrainZItalia.


The only exceptions are for the Ettore's items (kuid:74906), as he granted you the permission to enclose them.






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